QS service opportunity

2 Jun 2015 by BaLuke

endorsed by Scouts Vic:

People Outdoors (PO) is a division of the Australian Camps Association (ACA) which runs camps and outdoor activities for people with disabilities. The camps are to provide respite for the normal carers of the campers and also to provide life expanding and developing opportunities for people whose life opportunities are often quite limited.

The camps, usually two or three days long, are run, most often over the week end, at the campsites of ACA members. Running the program is shared between the camp staff and the PO staff. People Outdoors make use of volunteers to assist the disabled campers to get around and to fully participate in and enjoy the camp program.

We are looking for Venturers (16 and over) and Rovers who would be willing to undertake the training and become volunteers. Training takes an evening and is undertaken by PO staff. We run training courses regularly, and would be willing to come to you and conduct the training at your hall at your normal meeting night, if there are several interested in becoming volunteers.
In return for the training you would be expected to participate as a volunteer in at least two week end camps. Participation in the camps is free and you will be reimbursed for your expenses.
Undertaking the training and doing two week end camps, would, we believe, qualify a Venturer for Queens Scout Award level service.

While the commitment is to two camps, we hope that some of you find the work challenging and rewarding, and want to continue to help. There is a pathway here through to a career in social work, or in outdoor activity leadership.

For further information contact Bill Oakley on billoakley1@bigpond.com or Heike Fleischmann at People Outdoors on 9365 7150 or hfleischmann@auscamps.asn.au